Saetech was contracted by DCN Diving to design and check a gantry crane set-up on a modular barge system. The gantry is used for dredging in Georgia, and was set-up completely in RFEM to check and confirm the integrity for this project. A custom load introduction frame an knuckle boom support frame was installed to be able to reach the complete barge area for lifting smaller objects.
2006 Wolbecker bridge support engineering
Saetech was contracted by Montec to design the supports underneath the arches during the construction of the Wolbecker road bridge. The design was made to be able to construct the bridge in smaller parts, reducing the size of the construction parts that need to be handled and lifted. A jacking device was designed on top of the supports for the fitting & alignment of the arches.
2053 Bridge installation Düsseldorf
Saetech was contracted by Felbermayr Germany to carry out the project engineering for the transport & installation of a bridge over the Heerdter Lohweg in Düsseldorf.
2048 Redesign compost fillers
Saetech was contracted by Reijrink to structurally check the redesign of a top filler & translating unit. The filler is subjected to a corrosive nature. The check was carried out using FE software, in which profile sections were optimized.
1941-01 Transport & Lifting Trestles
Saetech was contracted by G. O’Brien and Kiernan Structural Steel Ltd. to check and confirm the structural integrity of various frames for the transport and installation on-site. The frames were checked to be transported on SPMTs and lifted by multiple lifting points using the (by Saetech designed) modular spreader system.
1941-40 Sling length adjusters
G. O’Brien contracted Saetech to design and fabricate sling length adjusters for the lifting of various steel frames. The adjusters can be connected to standard GreenPin shackles and to the (Saetech designed) modular spreaders. The 50 ton capacity lifting devices can be adjusted in length from 1.4m to 2.55m.
1924-02 Offshore bumpers & guides
Saetech was contracted by Ardent to design & fabricate bumpers & guides for positioning the Tyne jacket on board of the Blue Tern. The bumpers & guides fit against the support construction which was already on board of the vessel.
1941-10 – Modular lifting beam design
Saetech was contracted by G. O’Brien and Kiernan Structural Steel Ltd. to design a modular lifting beam with adjustable lifting point positions. The lifting beams are designed in sections of 5.1m and 11.5m. The total constructed lifting beam length is 56.2 meters. The couplings consist out of only two long pins, which ensure easy installation.
The couplings are checked and load tested for 250 tm of bending moment, and 110 tonnes of shear force.
Multiple lifting points can be repositioned along the top- and bottom flange for flexible lifting arrangements.